E. 207: Don't Do This: On Pricing

This month, I’m digging into some of the mistakes I see one-to-two person branding agencies make over and over again. And today, I want to talk about pricing. 

Pricing your services is an art and it’s something people struggle with all the time inside the No BS Mastery program and out in the world. It also happens to be one of my favorite things to help people reconsider and fix so that they can build successful, sustainable businesses full of the flexibility and freedom they desire.

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Tune into this episode to hear:

  • Why you should never base your pricing on what you think someone can pay–even if they gave you a budget number

  • Why looking to the market to set your rates is a lost cause

  • Why you need to be flexible on your pricing when you’re starting out and/or need cash and clients


Pia Silva