E. 17: Persuasive Visual Story, Pivoting During COVID, and Capturing the Magic Shot with John DeMato

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Do the photos of you online represent the best you? 

Are they representing you like a true expert? 

Do they let your personality shine through or are they a little stiff? 

It’s not uncommon for business owners to grab a camera and have their friends take a few shots for their website or simply open selfie mode on their iPhone and upload the best of the shots to their social media accounts. 

These kinds of pictures do the trick—but, as you’ll hear today, having a persuasive and cohesive visual strategy across all your online channels takes more than a nice photo or two. 

On today’s episode, I’m excited to introduce branded lifestyle portrait and virtual photographer, John DeMato. John collaborates with speakers, trainers, and other expert-based business owners to create an emotional connection with their audience through persuasive visual storytelling. 

John helped me get over my fear of the camera and has shot most of the photos of me online, including my book cover. And as you’ll hear in the episode, I cannot tell you how powerful it was for my brand to get a library full of branded lifestyle photos and how quickly it helped me level up in the eye of my audience.

Tune into this episode to hear: 

  • How John successfully pivoted his in-person photography business to virtual during COVID 

  • What really needs to happen between you and your photographer if you want that MAGIC shot that connects with your audience

  • What you need to do if you want to turn your passion, in photography or otherwise, into a sustainable and fulfilling business

Learn more about John: 

Learn more about Pia: 

Pia Silva