E. 30: Why Giving Thanks is a Super Power

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In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share some thank yous of my own as well as share how giving thanks has been a HUGE superpower in my life. It’s my go-to exercise whenever I’m feeling stressed or low-energy. 

I truly believe that daily gratitude and giving thanks is something we all need more of to show up for ourselves and show up for those in our communities. 

My favorite daily exercise is pretty much a daily gratitude journal but I put my own spin on it—you’ll have to listen to the episode to get all the juicy details on what I mean. 

Whenever I don’t feel 100%, it’s one of the only things that makes me feel better and it’s SO easy! 

I’ve truly seen MANY clients who started up this practice and it had an obvious and sustained effect on how they felt and how they approach their life once they committed to doing this for just a few weeks.

Thank you for being a part of my world. I hope you enjoy a delicious meal with the people you love today—even if we have to keep the groups small this year.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Find this episode for free on your favorite podcast player.

Tune into this solo episode with Pia to hear: 

  • The simple and quick daily exercise I recommend to all my clients and people that I coach that might be valuable to you

  • Why daily journaling primes your brain for the day and sets your mind up for success

  • The two amazing things that happen when you start writing down ALL your accomplishments

  • Why I’m going to spend an hour on Thanksgiving reaching out to the people who’ve touched me this year to let them know I appreciate them and all that they do

Learn more about Pia: 

Pia Silva