E. 28: Preparing Yourself to Take Bigger Leaps and Building Your Confidence in the Process

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In business, there is always somewhere greater to go. 

That’s why taking leaps—both big and small—is essential to growing your business and building your confidence. 

I know this because I've had the experience of being terrified of something new—and doing it over and over and over again. 

Taking those leaps—both small and big—gets you outside of your comfort zone. It’s about going after something you really want—or something that is true to you and who you want to be—EVEN when the outcome is scary or unknown... and you do it anyway.

If you never take a leap, if you stay comfortable with the status quo, there’s only so far you can go. But when you bank true confidence in yourself, ANYTHING is possible. 

The more often you take the leap that, the more times you have that experience and the more your body—not just your mind—learns that it doesn't matter if things do or don't work out exactly the way you want. You're always going to be okay. 

And every time you face adversity, or you have a failure, and you get up and do something else and eventually something good comes out of it? THAT’S where the real work is. That’s where the confidence comes from. That’s where the business you want is created. 

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Tune into this solo episode with Pia to hear: 

  • My experience in giving my TEDx talk and how TERRIFIED I was… but I took the leap anyway (and why taking big leaps gets easier over time—BUT there is always that core fear)

  • The importance of taking SMALL leaps to get comfortable with taking BIG leaps

  • How to get your body used to taking risks (because no matter what happens, when you show up and do the hard thing, you WILL be fine!)

  • The story behind my “buy the bag” mantra 

  • How investing in yourself makes investing even BIGGER in the future that much easier to reach your goals and grow your business

Learn more about Pia: 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Pia Silva