E. 228: The Key to Financial Freedom
Do you worry about money? Are you scared because you don’t have enough? Or maybe you have enough right now but you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop and wipe out that stability?
The majority of the people I talk to have been there or are there. And I’ve been there too. I’ve been scared with $40,000 in debt and I’ve been scared with $40,000 in the bank and clients rolling in.
Everybody who works for themselves feels this way at some point. So, let’s talk about why we feel that anxiety and how to free ourselves from that feeling.
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Tune into this episode to hear:
Why your fear can’t be solved by having a certain amount of money in the bank
The best way to beat anxiety about your finances
The right way to invest in yourself
Why I don’t subscribe to the belief that having no debt is the goal
How I invest in my skills and personal development to benefit my business