E. 217: Telling It Like It Is: Hard Truths About Money

Money. A topic that makes so many people so uncomfortable.

We all have money stories that can negatively impact us. God knows I have spent a lot of time working through those to have a healthier money story and a healthier relationship with money. 

So many creatives don’t like talking or even thinking about money. But it is such an important and powerful aspect of your business. If you don’t have a handle on the truth about money and numbers and how it impacts your business and everything else in your life, it can keep you playing really small.

In this episode, I share five hard truths about money that most business coaches won’t tell you.

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Tune into this episode to hear:

  • The truth about chasing consistent month-to-month income

  • When access to capital is more important than profit

  • The truth that some of your investments in your business will inevitably fail, and what to do when it happens

  • Why you might not be getting paid what your work is worth

  • A bonus truth about revenue and profit


Pia Silva